Elementary School

In primary school, we "build" solid foundations for the children's school progress. From the first grade we cultivate the love for knowledge and provide all the stimuli needed for the complete development of their personality.

How It Works


Monday to Friday 7:00-16:15

ωραριο –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝ


The transportation of students to and from school is done with absolute safety with our school buses.    

IMG_20210630_122859 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝ


Proper, varied and balanced diet helps the development and health of children, who develop their eating habits from an early age. For elementary school students there is an optional feeding program with breakfast and lunch, which is determined on a monthly basis by a dietitian and includes full meals, rich in vitamins and minerals. Food is cooked and served in the school restaurant at a specific time each day.

IMG_20210701_122348 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝ


All the courses provided by the Curriculum of the Ministry of Education for the Primary School, are taught in a modern way and enriched with the new methods of Pedagogy but also with the modern means of technology in order to meet the modern requirements of the future society. The main courses (language, mathematics, English, etc.) are taught with increased schedule compared to the planned program, for better learning and more solid consolidation.

New Technologies

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝDigital skills are one of the most important human resources of the 21st century. In our school, new technologies are at the forefront of curricula at all levels through a comprehensive plan for teaching of STEM. In the computer and classrooms, which are equipped with modern technology, primary school children practice with innovative tools that make learning a pleasant process. In the first grades of elementary school, students first come into contact with robots and programming through Lego Education WeDo 2.0, while in the fifth and sixth grades they learn to program with the help of Scratch software created at MIT.

Foreign Languages

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝΤα παιδιά της προσχολικής ηλικίας ενθουσιάζονται όταν έρχονται σε επαφή με μια νέα γλώσσα. Οι νέες λέξεις σε συνδυασμό με τον ευχάριστο τρόπο με τον οποίο γίνεται η εκμάθηση, τους προσφέρει ικανοποίηση και αποτελεί βασικό εσωτερικό κίνητρο για να συνεχίσουν. Επίσης, η ανακάλυψη μιας διαφορετικής γλώσσας βοηθά στην ενίσχυση της αυτοπεποίθησης και αυτοεκτίμησης. Η επαφή των μικρών παιδιών μ’ αυτήν τα φέρνει σε επαφή με έναν άλλο πολιτισμό. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο, αφυπνίζεται η πολυπολιτισμική και πολυγλωσσική τους συνείδηση, καθώς αποκτούν θετική στάση απέναντι σε ζητήματα ετερότητας. Σέβονται και εκτιμούν τις διαφορετικές γλώσσες και κουλτούρες, εφόσον τους δίνεται η ευκαιρία να γνωρίσουν και έναν άλλον πολιτισμό.

Φυσική Αγωγή – Αθλητισμός

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝGreat importance is given to the physical exercise and sports that take place on the premises of our school. The physical education course in primary school aims to improve and develop:

  • general dexterity, movement skills, perceptual-motion skills, audiovisual perception as well as perception through touch, coordination, spatial orientation, rhythmic ability, etc.
  • confidence, autonomy and responsibility
  • social skills
  • knowledge on physical education
  • physical condition (endurance, speed, strength and agility)
  • multifaceted movement behaviors
  • promoting a healthy lifestyle with the future goal of lifelong exercise
  • Neuromuscular assembly, ie the ability to perform various complex movements quickly, economically and efficiently.


book-composition-flute-music-221563 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝIn the music lesson, a special teaching program is followed from the 1st grade, while from the 2nd grade, the teaching with flute and other musical instruments is added. Children have the opportunity to participate in the orchestra, the school choir and other artistic activities.

Fine Arts

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝΤο σχέδιο και η ζωγραφική αποτελούν κατ εξοχήν τα μέσα που χρησιμοποιούν τα παιδιά για να εκφράσουν τις ιδέες, τις σκέψεις, τα βιώματα και τα συναισθήματά τους. Η εικαστική έκφραση, καθώς και η έκφραση μέσω άλλων μορφών τέχνης (κίνηση, δραματοποίηση), τούς επιτρέπει να επικοινωνήσουν αμεσότερα και πολλές φορές αποτελεσματικότερα απ’ ό,τι με τον λόγο.

Η ανάπτυξη εικαστικών δραστηριοτήτων στο νηπιαγωγείο συνδέεται με τα ενδιαφέροντα που επιδεικνύουν τα παιδιά καθώς και με τα υλικά. Τους αρέσει να τα παρατηρούν, να τα αγγίζουν, να τα εξερευνούν και να ανακαλύπτουν τις διαφορετικές τους δυνατότητες.

Educational Trips

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝEducational trips aim to better understand the topics taught in the classroom and are a unique learning experience. Through visits to places of historical, cultural, scientific and environmental interest, children have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in a pleasant and genuinely entertaining way.

Additional Activities

Every day after the end of the morning program students have the opportunity to stay at the school where there are optional study departments, as well as other activities such as chess, robotics, pancratium, swimming.  

Ωράριο: 14:00-16:00

Homework studying

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝThe children fully prepare for the next day's lessons, while through the remedial teaching they fill in any gaps and enrich their knowledge. With the guidance of teachers they learn to read methodically and effectively and without pressure they become more disciplined and responsible in their study. At the same time, they get rid of the need to read at home, gaining more free time with their parents.


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝIn collaboration with the swimming department of the Gymnastic Athletic Association "Archelaos", swimming lessons are held every week in the 2nd GDR, where the children are trained by specialized swimming teachers accompanied by the coach and teachers of our school. Thus, children are given the opportunity to come into contact with water from an early age and become familiar with it, reaping all the psychosomatic benefits of swimming. 


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝRobotics is a new way of teaching, ideal for increasing children's interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It is a fun way of learning, in which children work in groups to find creative solutions to a problem by building, programming and testing their own robots. Depending on the age of the students, the Lego WeDo 2.0 and Lego Mindstorms EV3 educational robotics packages are used.


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝChess can have multiple benefits for the child, such as developing creativity, analytical thinking and concentration. Research has shown that it even helps children's school performance. In collaboration with the Chess Club of Katerini, once a week, there are lessons from a chess teacher at our school, where children can get to know this beautiful strategy game.


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝThe pancratium is considered the father of martial arts. The child can reap multiple psychosomatic benefits through engaging in this art, such as boosting self-confidence, concentration and discipline, developing self-esteem, and bodybuilding and coordination. The program of additional activities of the primary school includes the attendance of pancratium lessons in the school premises by specialized gymnasts.

Summer Program

The operation of the school continues during the summer months with the summer program of creative employment for primary school students. Children spend their free time in the summer participating in enjoyable learning and entertainment activities.

  • An optional feeding program is included.
  • Students are transported by school buses.

Ages: 5-12 years old

Περίοδος: 17/6/2024-2/8/2024

Ημέρες και ώρες: Δευτέρα-Παρασκευή, 8:30-14:00 ή 8:30-16:00

The summer program is addressed to students of all schools.

Games in the sea

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝChildren, accompanied by the teachers, come in direct contact with the sea, the sand and the water under the supervision of the trainer and the lifeguard in charge. This turns a summer habit, swimming in the sea, into a creative and useful activity.


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝRobotics is a new way of teaching, ideal for increasing children's interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). It is a fun way of learning, in which children work in groups to find creative solutions to a problem by building, programming and testing their own robots. Depending on the age of the students, the Lego WeDo 2.0 and Lego Mindstorms EV3 educational robotics packages are used.

Experiments with every-day elements

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝStudents discover the natural sciences experientially, experimenting with simple everyday materials that help them easily understand concepts and natural phenomena that were difficult to comprehend before.


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝChildren work in groups, under the guidance of the teachers, following the whole process from preparing, cooking and serving a meal to arranging the dining room. The goal is through a fun process to gain useful knowledge on the right eating habits but also on proper behavior at meal time.

Board games

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝBoard games are a very important educational tool. They develop creativity, sharpen the way of thinking and contribute to the development of skills such as organization and teamwork. On the school premises there is a room with board games and every week depending on the program children have the opportunity to choose from a variety of educational board games.   


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝChess can have multiple benefits for the child, such as developing creativity, analytical thinking and concentration. Research has shown that it even helps children's school performance. In collaboration with the Chess Club of Katerini, once a week, there are lessons from a chess teacher at our school, where children can get to know this beautiful strategy game.

Math games

καγκουρο –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝFollowing the philosophy of the kangaroo math competition, children combine math with fun, solving enjoyable problems that cultivate thinking and critical thinking.

Playful learning

 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝThe program includes hours of reading, creative writing, drawing and English communication with innovative educational approaches that turn the learning process into a game.


 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝOur school summer program includes enriched sports activities on our school premises under the guidance of our coaches. Children, therefore, have the opportunity to participate and practice in various team and individual sports of their choice, such as basketball, football, pancratium and team leisure games.

Φόρμα εγγραφής