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Λίστα προγραμμάτων

SiLab (2019-2021)

Schools Innovation Labs

silab2 –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝ



  • SiLab project aims at developing some of the most valued skills in the labour market such as innovation, creative thinking and digital skills. This will be achieved though the implementation of the concept of i-lab to school environment; the creation of i-labs at schools and the development of teachers’ capacity to integrate innovation in daily school practice.

    An i-lab (innovation laboratory), a concept pretty popular in big companies, is an inspirational innovative facility designed to transport users from their everyday environments into an extraordinary space encouraging creative and innovative thinking as well as collaborative work towards problem solving through a mix of on-purpose environment, technology and facilitation techniques. The strength of the i-Lab is its proven and unique approach to innovative and creative thinking, which lends itself to a wide variety of applications.

    During the project our students will have the opportunity to visit the partner schools in Portugal and Croatia, where they will discuss with their peers about their ideas and their progress on the project. The i-Lab will be designed and created by the students, who must think innovatively and out of the box in order to develop such a place. It is estimated that the i-Lab will be ready by the end of 2020.

  • Apart from the i-Lab that will be created in the school, this project will create an on-line software application to be used in the i-Lab and when ready, in the i-Lab will take place some pilot sessions in order to evaluate the project products and introduce the rest of the students the idea of i-Lab.


Eurovoters (2019-2021)

Empowering critical young voters for a Europe of sustainable development and equality

eurovoters –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝ



  • The objective of this project is to empower youth to act as agents of change for building a Europe of sustainable development and equality by enhancing their critical-voting literacy that includes: (a) media and news literacy; (b) socio-emotional literacy, and (c) social-justice literacy. To do so, this project draws upon the strategies of critical literacy and experiential learning, by using new technologies, and innovative methodologies, such as collaborative role play and simulations, problem-based learning, critical-incidents analysis, and virtual communities of learning and practice.

    The project reinforces the development and implementation of successful initiatives in critical-voting education. It will contribute in counteracting the detrimental consequences of populism to the values that define us as Europeans, and mainly sustainable equality, respect for human rights and freedoms, tolerance, pluralism and non-discrimination. Finally, it will raise youth’s voices and active involvement in decision-making through innovative methodologies.

  • The main result of this project will be a methodological Toolkit of ‘Resources and Activities’ for enhancing education for critical-voting literacy, which will be developed according to a comparative analysis of both teachers’ and youth’s needs in the participating countries. This Toolkit will be tested through workshops carried out with teachers and youth aged 14-18. As the project also envisages the development of teachers’ and youth’s competences to work accordingly, a Teacher’s Handbook and a Youth’s Handbook will be produced. In the end of the project a transnational joint-staff training event will be carried out in Greece to train teachers to use the project outcomes.


Political Game Changers (2019-2021)

Young students as political game changers developing an easy-to-use model for secondary schools.

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  • The European Commission calls for systematic initiatives to re-engage youth in politics – based on their own understanding and voices. This project addresses the urgent challenge of young students increasing disengagement in politics.

    “Political Game Changers” invite students to co-create attractive and practically useful guidance to secondary schools on how to prevent disinterest and foster engagement in politics, democracy and values. The guidance will be developed through real-life/time open schooling and will be based on practical experience.

  • To achieve its goals this project takes into account three different methodologies, the didactic, the co-creation and the subjective engagement. A school guide to engagement of young students in politics and democracy, including virtual scenarios along with a study of the reasons for the lack of interest in politics and democracy among the young generations will be created. Also, the student teams will create a video movie explaining their engagement in the politics detective missions and how they along the project developed an alternative understanding of and language for politics, democracy and EU values.


Take Action (2020-2022)

Citizenship education for an inclusive and sustainable future

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  • “Leaving no one behind” is the central aspiration that underlines the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. To achieve an inclusive society it is necessary to take into account the need of a sustainable approach to our development. In this scenario, not only youth are recognized by the 2030 agenda as “critical agents of change”, but they possess the energy, creativity and motivation to challenge current unsustainable models and envision new approaches and new sustainable solutions.

    The “TAKE ACTION” project aims to increase social and civic competences of European youth by transferring and adapting an effective teaching methodology, the “Action Civics” curriculum, and improving the capabilities of teaching institutions in providing their students with tools and knowledge to foster their active participation in the society.

  • Our school together with the other two involved high school will test the curriculum and assess the impact both on teachers and students. An e-learning course targeted to teachers  will be developed to allow the transferability of the curriculum and will be freely available to be implemented, updated and share. The pilot implementation and the evaluation activities planned in the project will be aimed at producing a report which will include detailed data on the impact of the curriculum on the involved students and recommendations for policy-makers, public institutions and authorities.


ACTIvE (2019-2022)

Job Coach, Supporting school students with Autism Spectrum Disorder to acquire independency

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  • Our school is actively involved in many projects from all the spectrum of education. Such a project is the “ACTIvE”, which aims to promote social inclusion starting with school education through a holistic approach.

    Through this project, Platon is cooperating with educational institutions from Europe in order to support special education. More specifically, ACTIvE aims to provide educators working in school contexts with innovative Continuous Professional Development opportunities to deal with ASD students. It is a project that promotes social inclusion through talent development and creates synergies at local and European level to develop innovative practices for inclusive Europe with a bottom-up approach.

    ACTIvE, directly and indirectly, affects many people. Apart from educators working in school context that have an opportunity to enhance their competences in relation to autism this project benefits the students, their families and the local communities in general.

  • By the end of the project, a “curriculum to become JOB COACH” will have been developed, tailor made on the training needs of educators and psychologists working in a school context with ASD students (age 15-18). The other main result of the project will be the development of a new online learning environment, enriched with training materials for educators, a collaborative space for the users (namely, the community of practice) and an Info Desk, which will serve as a contact point among platform users and project partners.


Euriversity (2019-2022)

European action against discrimination: educational inclusion from the perspective of equality and emotional-sexual diversity

euriversity –  – Εκπαιδευτήρια ΠΛΑΤΩΝ



  • Discrimination against group of people because of their gender or their sexual orientation is a major problem that still exists in Europe according to research conducted in 2018.

    There is clearly much room for improvement regarding gender and affective-sexual diversity and this project aims to offer an integral response. The main objective is to raise the levels of awareness of this subject and reducing those of discrimination and conflict due to gender or affective-sexual orientation.

    There is a comprehensive action plan divided in phases throughout the 3 years of the project where all the research and results will be collected and analyzed. The next stage is the dissemination of the results that will provide the local educational communities and authorities with a solid plan on dealing with these issues. The ultimate goal of the project is to establish a “European Network of Discrimination-Free Schools” starting from inside the partnership of schools and organizations that work on this project.

  • It is to be hoped that the ultimate benefit will be an improvement in the levels of discrimination, conflict and bullying within schools as well as a greater awareness of gender diversity and affective sexual orientation. Similarly, we hope to spread inclusive values and improve the way in which those schools committed to the promotion of democratic values and an active and efficient citizenship approach diversity management